• Andaman Beacon
  • andamanbeacon@ gmail.com
  • 7349184439

Mount Harriet National Park

  • Bambooflat
  • Port Blair
  • Andaman and Nicobar Islands
  • Pin – 744 101
  • Contact ☏:03192-232694
  • ☏:03192-232694
  • ☏:03192-232642
  • 📠:03192-232747
  • 📠:03192-230933
  • 📩 Email: accomodation6@gmail.com
  • Forest guest house booking
  • ☏:03192-230152 ☏:03192-230152
  • Timings : 7 am to 5 pm.

How to reach Mount Harriet National Park

  • By Air: Veer Savarkar International Airport,Port blair is the closed airport to Mount Harriet National Park. Port Blair is well connected to Kolkata and Chennai by Air and Ships
  • It is situated 55 km by raod and 15 km by sea from Port Blair.
  • By Road : Travellers can reach Mount Harriet in 2 hours by road with taxi/cab/car from Port Blair via Ferrargunj.
  • The Sea route is from Marine Jetty to Hope Town and from there to Mount Harriet by road.
  • After reaching Hope Town Jetty, Bambooflat by bus or ferry,it will take about 15 minutes to reach peak of Mount Harriet.It is 6 km from Hope Town Jetty / Bambooflat jetty.
  • It is advised to visit this park in day hours (9 am) and return back in the evening (3 pm).
  • Tourists can reach Bamboo flat by ferry from Chatham wharf / jetty
  • mount-harriet-national-park
  • mount-harriet-national-park
Entry fee (in ₹) for Mount Harriet National Park
Adult (Indians) ₹ 25 / person
Children (Indians) ₹ 10 / person
Foreigners ₹ 250 / person
Camera fee ₹ 25
Professional photographers ₹ 200
Film Shoot ₹ 3000
Motor Vehicles including two wheelers ₹ 20 / vehicle
Heavy Motor Vehicles (Bus,Truck ) ₹ 50 / vehicle

Things to Do at Mount Harriet Nationa Park

  • Picnic : Carry pinic basket along with water to have memorable picnic with your family and friends and have good time.There is no food stalls,so pack everything you need.
  • Trekking : Travellers could go for a trekking along the 7 km path from Bambooflat to the mount harriet mountain top which is at 365 mts.
  • Photography and Video: Carry ggod photographic instruments like EOS or Digital SLR camera to take pics for natural abundance of flora and fauna in this park.
  • Birding : Rare birds only confined to these region could be spotted here.Carry a pair of binoculars are for bird watching

Mount Harriet Facts

    Mount Harriet is the second highest peack of Andaman and Nicobar islands.First one being Saddle peak.
  • It is named after Harriet Tytler by Robert Christopher Tytler's second wife. Harriet Tytler was one of the renowned ornithologists and avid photographer who was stationed in port blair during Apr 1862 to Feb, 1864.
  • Mount Harriet's attracts visitors by its natural charm,greenery and beauty.One can also see different kinds of birds.
  • Tourists can see from the large parts of South Andaman an dother small islands like Havelock,Ross Island;
  • Tourist can book Forst Rest House siutated in the park in advance as summer resort.
  • Visitors can also reach Madhuban which is a large coconut plantation with light house from Mount Harriet by trekking on a natural trail around 4km through thick forest.
  • People enjoy clouds touching their feets.The beautiful senic view attracts tourist in large number specially on sundays.
  • This park is covers aroud 46.62 sq kms in area.
  • The illegal activities like poaching, hunting of animals are not allowed.
  • It has one watch tower, a children’s park,Orchidarium for cultivation of orchids, butterfly house,deer park and torist guest house maintained by Forest Department.
Important peaks
  • Mount Koyob (459 m)
  • Mount Hext (425m)
  • MountGoodrige (376m)
  • MountCarpeter (346m)
Major Forest type present
  • Littoral Forest (Beach Forests)- Tall evergreen Manilkara littoralis found on sandy beaches
  • Andaman Semi-Evergreen Forest (Low level Evergreen Forests)
  • Evergreen Forest- top canopy is formed by the giant trees and conditions are optimum for the ideal tree growth.
  • Andaman Semi-evergreen Forest - include mix of evergreen and deciduous tree species
  • Andaman Moist Deciduous Forest- It mainly consists deciduous trees of around 40m in height ,bamboo and canes .
Best time to visit

Sept to March is the best time to visit Mount Harriet National Park .It is open throughout the year for visitors.

Where to stay?

One can book forest guesthouse located in park for stay ,food and refreshment

Flora in Mount Harriet National Park

It has arround 394 + plant and tree species. Out of 394 plant species,54 are categorised as indigenous / native and 51 species are non-indigenous species or non-native.Some of the plant species are listed below:  
Name Common NamesUsage
Dipterocarpus Keruing Belimbing, MeluitTimber, furniture and varnish from extracted oil
Dipterocarpus gracilis PanaoPlywood
Dipterocarpus KerriiKeruing Keruing oil
Endospermum chinensi-- Making match box, packing box, pencils, tennis racket handle
Albizzia lebbeckSiris Tree, frywood and koko decorative timber,turnery, veneer,carving,seeds are used in the treatment of ophthalmia
Moringa citrifoliaIndian mulberry, beach mulberry and cheese fruit skin product,staple food,traditional medicine
Mesua ferreaGajapushpam, Nagasampige, Ironwood, Nagkesar, Indian rose chestnetIncense sticks,seed oil for herbal medicines
Manilkara littoralisSea Mohua , Andaman Bullet-Wood Bird fruit
Cratoxylum formosumMampat Brown dye, golden-yellow resin, interiors furniture

Fauna in Mount Harriet National Park

  • Many new species of fauna are discovered here.
  • Fauna includes arround 90 species of birds ou of which 11 are native or local to these islands.Examples are
    • Andaman Hawk Owl(Ninox affinis)
    • Green Imperial Pigeon(Ducula aenea)
    • Edible-Nest Swiftlet (Collocalia fuciphaga)
    • Glossy-Swiftlet or White-Bellied Swiftlet (Collocalia esculeuta)
    • Long Tailed Parakeet or Red-cheecked parakeet (Psittacula logicauda)
    • Whitebreasted Kingfisher (H. smyrnesis)
    • Andaman Black Woodpecker (Drycopus hodgei)
    • Sunda Teal or Grey Teal(Anas gibberifrons)
    • Andaman Wood Pigeon (Columba palumboides)
    • Andaman Treepie ( Dendrocitta bayleyi)
  • 27 species of reptilian and amphibian species are spotted here.Out of which,12 are native amphibian found only in these region. e.g
    • Andaman Cobra
    • Green sea urtles
    • Olive Ridley Turtles
  • Mammals like Andaman white-toothed shrew,Andaman Wild Pig, Andaman Masked Palm Civet, Andaman Rat
  • Frogs like Ingerana charlesdarwini,Andaman Bull Frog, Andaman Paddy field Frogs are present here.Indian Bull frog have recently migrated to these islands.
  • 121 species of moth including silk moth.
  • Freshwater,Land and Marine Molluscs, crustaceans are also present here.There are total 227 endemic molluscs found in the islands
Enjoy Fun filled Beach Holiday and Romantic Honeymoon in Andaman


Andaman Beacon
Gear Road
Pin 560103


Andaman Beacon
Link Road
Port Blair-744101
Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India

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